Slide 9.5: Line-by-line anatomy of Menu.c
  Slide 9.7: Line-by-line anatomy of Menu.c (cont.)

Line-by-line Anatomy of Menu.c (Cont.)

case menuEvent:
The menu routine MenuHandleEvent( ) sends this event: For this event, the data field contains the following structure:
  struct  menu {
    UInt16  itemID;        // Item ID of the selected menu command
  }  menu;

MenuEraseStatus( NULL );
This function void MenuEraseStatus( MenuBarType *menuP ) erases the menu command status. When the user selects a menu command using the command keystroke, the command toolbar or status message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. MenuEraseStatus erases the toolbar or status message.

FldDelete( fld, 0, FldGetTextLength( fld ) );
This function void FldDelete( FieldType *fldP, UInt16 start, UInt16 end ) deletes the specified range of characters from the field and redraws the field.