Slide 9.4: Menu.c
  Slide 9.6: Line-by-line anatomy of Menu.c (cont.)

Line-by-line Anatomy of Menu.c

FtrGet( sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion );
This function Err FtrGet( UInt32 creator, UInt16 featureNum, UInt32 *valueP ) gets a feature.
FrmAlert( RomIncompatibleAlert );
This function UInt16 FrmAlert( UInt16 alertId ) creates a modal dialog from an alert resource and displays it until the user selects a button in the dialog.
FrmDispatchEvent( &event );
This function Boolean FrmDispatchEvent( EventType *eventP ) dispatches an event to the application's handler for the form.
FrmSetEventHandler( frm, MainFormHandleEvent );
This function void FrmSetEventHandler( FormType *formP, FormEventHandlerType *handler ) registers the event handler callback routine for the specified form. FrmDispatchEvent( ) calls this handler whenever it receives an event for a specific form. FrmSetEventHandler must be called right after a form resource is loaded. The callback routine it registers is the mechanism for dispatching events to an application.