§ Class Slides 7: Denotational Semantics (Cont.)

Class Slides 6: Denotational Semantics
Class Slides 8: Operational Semantics

Slide 7.1: A calculator language
Slide 7.2: The syntactic domains of the calculator language
Slide 7.3: The semantic domains of the calculator language
Slide 7.4: The semantic domains of the calculator language (cont.)
Slide 7.5: The semantic functions of the calculator language
Slide 7.6: The semantic functions of the calculator language (cont.)
Slide 7.7: A sample calculation

 § Programming Language Survey: Java Platform, Micro Edition

Slide 7.a: Handheld computing
Slide 7.b: Handheld programming
Slide 7.c: Client-side handheld computing
Slide 7.d: Mobile handheld devices
Slide 7.e: Java ME (Java Platform, Micro Edition)
Slide 7.f: Using Java ME