The Forwarding Unit

The following figure shows the forwarding unit in a pipelined datapath.

The unit controls the ALU multiplexors to replace the value from a general-purpose register with the value from the proper pipeline register. It includes two tasks:
A Forwarding Example
Consider the following instruction sequence:
     lw   $4, 100($9)    # $4 = Mem[100+[$9]]
     add  $7, $5, $6     # $7 = $5 + $6
     sub  $8, $4, $7     # $8 = $4 - $7
When lw reaches the MEM stage, add will be in the ALU stage and sub will be in the Decode stage.

ForwardA=10 Forward data from MEM stage and ForwardB=01 Forward ALU result from ALU stage.

      I was just making a suggestion.    
      Don’t get all bent out of shape (become angry) out it.