Worldwide: Smartphone Sales by Vendor

Year (Total Sales) Market Share
Apple HTC Nokia RIM Sharp Samsung
2007 (122.3 million) 5th (2.7%) 4th (3.0%) 1st (49.4%) 2nd (9.6%) 3rd (5.6%)
2008 (139.3 million) 3rd (8.2%) 4th (4.2%) 1st (43.7%) 2nd (16.6%) 5th (3.8%)
2009 (174.2 million) 3rd (14.4%) 4th (4.6%) 1st (38.9%) 2nd (19.8%) 5th (3.3%)
2010 (298.0 million) 3rd (16.0%) 4th (8.0%) 1st (34.0%) 2nd (16.0%) 5th (8.0%)
2011 (486.0 million) 1st (19.1%) 5th (9.2%) 3rd (15.9%) 4th (10.8%) 2nd (18.7%)


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Gartner. (2009). Gartner Says Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales Declined 6 Per Cent and Smartphones Grew 27 Per Cent in Second Quarter of 2009. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from

Gartner. (2009). Gartner Says Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales Declined 8.6 Per Cent and Smartphones Grew 12.7 Per Cent in First Quarter of 2009. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from

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