Slide 11.16: WML GO and POSTFIELD tags
  Slide 11.18: WML selection

Variables, Comments, and Character Entities

WML Variables
WML variable names in WML are prefixed with a dollar sign. The syntax is:
If the end of the variable is not indicated by white space, you must contain the variable inside a pair of parentheses:
The name of the variable can be composed of one or more uppercase or lowercase letters, digits, or underscores.
Variable names are case sensitive. Variables can be assigned a value by using either the <setvar> or <postfield> elements. The value assigned to a variable can be substituted (displayed) in the text of a card.

WML Comments
WML comments may be placed anywhere in a WML deck. They will not appear in the display. Place the comments inside the following symbols:
   <!-- Put the comments here. -->

WML Character Entities
Character entities are strings of characters that represent other characters.

They are are either:
  • the named entities, containing the names or characters, or.

  • the numbered entities, containing a hash sign (#) and a number.
 Description   Symbol   Numeric Entity   Name Entity 
double quotation " &#34; &quot;
ampersand & &#38; &amp;
apostrophe ' &#39; &apos;
less than < &#60; &lt;
greater than > &#62; &gt;
non-breaking space   &#160; &nbsp;
soft hyphen - &#173; &shy;