The itemsets {Beer, Milk} and {Diaper, Baby powder} are removed because their confidence, 50%, is less than the min_conf , 70%.
The itemset {Baby powder, Diaper} is actually the same as the formula “Baby powder ⇒ diaper .”
The formula “Baby powder ⇒ Diaper ” means the customer who buys baby powder will also tend to buy diaper.
The support of the itemset {Diaper, Beer} 60% means that 60% of transactions include the purchasing of diaper and beer together.
The confidence of the itemset {Diaper, Beer} or the formula “Diaper ⇒ Beer ” 75% means that 75% of customers who buy diaper will also buy beer.
Customer: What’s the WiFi password? Barman: You need to buy a drink first. Customer: Ok, I’ll have a coke. Barman: $10 please. Customer: There you go. So what’s the wifi password? Barman: You need to buy a drink first. No spaces, all lowercase! |