Basic Linux Shell Commands

The shell is the Linux command interpreter used to pass commands to an operating system; so called because it is the part of the operating system that interfaces with the outside world. The following table lists some common Linux shell built-in commands and two editors emacs and vi. For more shell commands, refer to the Linux shell command manual pages or a Linux command line cheat sheet.

Command Description
cat Concatenate files and print on the standard output.
cd Change the current working directory.
chmod Change the permissions mode of a file.
cp Copy files.
date Print the date and time.
echo Display a line of text.
emacs Screen-oriented (visual) display editor
grep Search a file for a pattern.
ls List status information for files and directory contents.
man Find and display reference manual pages.
mkdir Make directories.
more/page Browse or page through a text file.
mv Move files.
pwd The pwd (“print working directory”) tells you where you are in the file system by printing the current working directory.
rm/rmdir Remove directory entries.
vi Screen-oriented (visual) display editor

Review: Linux Shell Commands
    Which Linux shell command allows you to search a file for a pattern?


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