, a list of names entered from the Web.
If the $_POST[student]
is empty, then list all titles.
Note that everything printed from PHP is displayed on the browser.
can be found from here.
<?php /************************************************************************ * * * This program lists the students’ courses by using the * * following 3 tables: * * * * CREATE TABLE student1 ( * * sid INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, * * name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, * * email VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ); * * * * CREATE TABLE course1 ( * * cid CHAR(12) PRIMARY KEY, * * title VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, * * room VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, * * credit INTEGER NOT NULL ); * * * * CREATE TABLE take1 ( * * sid INT NOT NULL, * * cid CHAR(12) NOT NULL, * * semester VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, * * PRIMARY KEY ( sid, cid ), * * FOREIGN KEY ( sid ) REFERENCES student1( sid ) ON DELETE CASCADE, * * FOREIGN KEY ( cid ) REFERENCES course1( cid ) ON DELETE CASCADE ) * * ENGINE=InnoDB; * * * * -- Below is an SQL example for listing courses: * * * * SELECT s.name, c.title FROM student1 s, course1 c, take1 t WHERE * * ( s.sid=t.sid AND t.cid=c.cid ) AND * * ( (UPPER(s.name) LIKE '%POKE%') OR (UPPER(s.name) LIKE '%BOB%') ) * * GROUP BY s.name, c.title * * * ************************************************************************/ if ( $_POST['act'] == "List courses" ) { header( "Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8" ); echo ( "<html><body>" ); $username = "your_id"; $database = "your_db"; $password = "your-pw"; $host = "undcemmysql.mysql.database.azure.com"; // Initializing MySQLi $conn = mysqli_init( ); // Creating an SSL connection mysqli_ssl_set( $conn, NULL, NULL, "DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem", NULL, NULL ); // Opening a new connection to the MySQL server mysqli_real_connect( $conn, $host, $username, $password, $database, 3306 ); // Connect to the database. if ( $conn->connect_errno ) die( 'Failed to connect to MySQL: ' . $conn->connect_error ); // Compose the query. $query = "SELECT s.name, c.title FROM "; $query .= "student1 s, course1 c, take1 t WHERE "; $query .= "( s.sid=t.sid AND t.cid=c.cid ) "; $token = strtok( $_POST['student'], " " ); if ( $token !== false ) { $query .= " AND ( "; while ( $token !== false ) { $query .= "(UPPER(s.name) " . "LIKE '%" . strtoupper($token) . "%') "; $token = strtok( " " ); if ( $token !== false ) $query .= " OR "; } $query .= " ) "; } $query .= "GROUP BY s.name, c.title"; echo( $query ); // Execute the query. $result = $conn->query( $query ); // Print the results row by row. if ( $result->num_rows > 0 ) while ( $row = $result->fetch_assoc( ) ) echo $row['name'] . " 🠞 " . $row['title']; // Close the database connection. $conn->close( ); echo( "</body></html>" ); } elseif ( $_POST["ct"] == "Help" ) { header( "Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8" ); system( "cat Help.html" ); } else { header( "Content-type:text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ); if ( $_POST["ct"] == "HTML source" ) system( "cat html.txt" ); elseif ( $_POST["ct"] == "PHP source" ) system( "cat ListCourses.php" ); elseif ( $_POST["ct"] == "SQL source" ) system( "cat ListCourses.sql" ); else echo "No such option: $_POST[act]"; } ?> |
, which allows you to access MySQL database servers,
, which splits string one by one,
, which converts all characters to uppercase,
, which performs query against a database, and
, which fetchs a result row as an associative array.
Criminal: Your money or your life … Benny: [Pause.] Criminal: Look, bud. I said your money or your life. Benny: I’m thinking it over. — Jack Benny |