Encryption Requirements of the Exercise I

Security is a critical part of electronic commerce systems, and public key cryptography is widely used to secure online transactions. Though most likely you will not be asked to implement a security scheme while working for the industry, public key cryptography is fundamental knowledge that an IT worker needs to know, and this implementation will help you understand how the knowledge is put to work.

The Problem
This slide gives programming requirements to implement the example in Crypto Primer (Understanding encryption, public/private key, signatures and certificates). In the real world, there should have two servers performing encryption and decryption, respectively: Since there is only one server available at the CEM, this slide will simulate both the encryption and decryption by using one server including two applications:

The following requirements need to be followed: The following comments are for your reference: Another similar paper can be found at Cryptography: A modern use for modular arithmetic. An example of the user interface is shown next, and its source code can be found from here.