Technologies for Processors and Memory

Processors and memory have improved at an incredible rate. The following figure shows the relative performance per unit cost of technologies used in computers over time:

Year Technology used in computers Relative performance/unit cost
1951 Vacuum tube 1
1965 Transistor 35
1975 Integrated circuit (IC) 900
1995 Very large-scale integrated circuit (VLSI) 2,400,000
2020 Ultra large-scale integrated circuit (ULSI) 500,000,000,000
The figure below shows the growth of capacity per DRAM chip over time. The y-axis is measured in Kilobits, where K = 1,024 (210). The DRAM industry quadrupled capacity almost every three years, a 60% increase per year, for 20 years. In recent years, the rate has slowed down and is somewhat closer to doubling every three years.

      The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick,    
      but I accidentally passed her a glue stick.    
      She still isn’t talking to me.