The following slides discuss pipeline hazards and the methods to solve them.

Slide 14.1: Pipeline hazards
Slide 14.2: Structural hazards
Slide 14.3: Data hazards
Slide 14.4: Stalling the pipeline
Slide 14.5: Forwarding ALU result
Slide 14.6: Implementing forwarding
Slide 14.7: RAW hazard detection
Slide 14.8: RAW hazard detection (cont.)
Slide 14.9: The forwarding unit
Slide 14.10: Forwarding control signals
Slide 14.11: Load delay
Slide 14.12: The forwarding, hazard detection, and stall unit
Slide 14.13: Control hazards
Slide 14.14: The 2-cycle branch delay
Slide 14.15: Reducing the delay of branches
Slide 14.16: Branch prediction schemes
Slide 14.17: Delayed branches
Slide 14.18: Zero-delay branches
Slide 14.19: Dynamic branch prediction

      What’s worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm?    
      Biting into an apple and discovering half a worm.