Instead of writing everything by themselves, Java developers build their projects by using a wide variety of code (such as input/output and mathematical functions) organized in packages.
Package in Java is a mechanism to encapsulate a group of classes, sub-packages, and interfaces.
Advantages of using packages include:
Avoids namespace problems.
Two classes of the same name cannot be put in the same package but can be placed in two different packages.
For example, there can be two classes with name Employee in two packages, college.staff.cse.Employee and .
Access between the classes can be controlled.
Using packages, restrictions can be imposed on the access of other package classes.
Access specifiers work on package boundaries (between the classes of other packages).
We can find all the related classes and interfaces in a single space.
Searching and identification will be easier.
Packages can be considered as data encapsulation (or data-hiding).