Pros of Object-Oriented Programming

Some of the advantages of object-oriented programming are listed below:

Improved Software-Development Productivity
Because of the following three factors, the OOP provides improved productivity over traditional procedure-based programming techniques: Improved Software Maintainability
For the reasons mentioned above, object-oriented software is also easier to maintain. Since the design is modular, part of the system can be updated in case of issues without a need to make large-scale changes.

Faster Development
Reuse enables faster development. Object-oriented programming languages come with rich libraries of objects, and code developed during projects is also reusable in future projects.

Lower Cost of Development
The reuse of software also lowers the cost of development. Typically, more effort is put into the object-oriented analysis and design, which lowers the overall cost of development.

Higher-Quality Software
Faster development of software and lower cost of development allows more time and resources to be used in the verification of the software. Although quality is dependent upon the experience of the teams, object-oriented programming tends to result in higher-quality software.

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