Slide 5.8: Defining strings
Slide 5.10: Defining other data

Defining WORD and SWORD Data

   word1  WORD   100h + 0B00h
     ; integer expression
   word2  SWORD  -32768
     ; smallest signed value

Type Usage
WORD 16-bit unsigned integer
SWORD 16-bit signed integer
Using the DUP Operator
The DUP operator generates a repeated storage allocation, using a constant expression as a counter.
   val5  BYTE  10 DUP('a')        ; 10 bytes, all equal to 'a'
   val6  BYTE  10 DUP(?)          ; 10 bytes, uninitialized
   val7  BYTE   3 DUP("test")     ; 12 bytes, "testtesttest"
An array can be created by using the following statement:
    myArray  WORD  10, 10, 10, 10
which is equal to
    myArray  WORD  4 DUP(10)
Offset Value
0000 10
0002 10
0004 10
0006 10
Assume myArray starts at offset 0. All offsets are shown on the above.

 EAX == 12345678h, (Y/N)
 X   WORD  1234h
 Y   WORD  5678h
 mov   eax, X
 call  WriteHex
 X   WORD  1234h
 Y   WORD  5678h
 Z  DWORD  ?
 mov   bx, Y
 mov   Z, bx
 mov   bx, X
 mov   Z+2, bx
 mov   eax, Z
 call  WriteHex
 X  WORD  1234h
 Y  WORD  5678h
 mov   bx, Y
 mov   Z, bx
 mov   bx, X
 mov   Z+2, bx
 mov   ecx, OFFSET Z
 call  WriteHex

 Output  Output  Output

