Slide 4.8: .CODE, .DATA, .STACK, and PROC directives
Slide 4.10: MOV instruction


An instruction is a statement that is executed by the processor at runtime after the program has been loaded into memory and started. An instruction contains four basic parts: (i) label, (ii) instruction mnemonic, (iii) operands, and (iv) comment. The basic syntax is
   [label:]   mnemonic   operand(s)   [; comment]

Label (optional)
A label is an identifier that acts as a place marker for either instructions or data. It could be a data label, identifying the location of a variable, such as
     prompt3  BYTE   0Dh, 0Ah, "The result is  ", 0
or it could be a code label, used as target of jumping and looping instructions, such as
     L1:    mov   eax, 5000h

Instruction Mnemonic (required)
An instruction mnemonic is a short word that identifies the operation carried out by an instruction. For example,
     mov    edx, OFFSET prompt3

Operand(s) (usually required)
An assembly language instruction can have between 0 and 3 operands, each of which can be a register, memory operand, constant expression, or I/O port.

Comment (optional)
Comments are a useful way for the programmer to communicate information about how the program works to a person reading the code. For example,
     call   WriteString              ; print prompt1