Creating a Business Website

Companies and hiring managers use the business to get an understanding of who you are as a professional and what you are capable of doing. Take the following steps to create your online business:
  1. For your convenience, here are the reference cards of Linux (server) and Emacs (editor).

  2. Apply for a UND Engineering Linux Account.

  3. Use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to connect to the UND networks. (You may not need to do this if you are on campus.)

  4. Log in to the Linux Server .

  5. Open your account by using the Linux command chmod such as
       shell> chmod 755 ~/../* 
  6. Create your web folders by using the Linux command mkdir such as
       shell> mkdir public_html 
       shell> mkdir public_html/business 
  7. Enter the folder “public_html/business” by using the Linux command cd such as
       shell> cd public_html/business 
  8. Create the file by using an editor such as
       shell> emacs index.index 
    where an HTML template is index.html and the source file is index.txt,

  9. Do not forget to open the files and folders you just created such as
       shell> chmod 755 ~/public_html 
       shell> chmod 755 ~/public_html/business 
       shell> chmod 755 ~/public_html/business/index.html 
  10. Use a browser to check your result at
    My example is shown below:

      When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree,    
      I do not find it cute or romantic.    
      I find it weird how many people take knives with them on dates.