Data Structures

The topic of DSA consists of two parts: (i) data structures and (ii) algorithms. Though they are two different things, they are highly interrelated. There are various data structure, and below will give some of them.

The most basic yet important data structure is the array. It is a linear data structure. An array is a collection of homogeneous data types where the elements are allocated contiguous memory. Because of the contiguous allocation of memory, any element of an array can be accessed in constant time. Each array element has a corresponding index number.

A string is a sequence of characters used to represent text. Strings are commonly used for storing and manipulating textual data in computer programs. They can be manipulated using various operations like concatenation, substring extraction, and comparison.

Linked Lists
As the above data structures, the linked list is also a linear data structure. But Linked List is different from Array in its configuration. It is not allocated to contiguous memory locations. Instead, each node of the linked list is allocated to some random memory space and the previous node maintains a pointer that points to this node. So no direct memory access of any node is possible and it is also dynamic, i.e., the size of the linked list can be adjusted at any time.

Review: Data Structures
    Which data structure has a collection of homogeneous data types where the elements are allocated contiguous memory?

      Linked list